The purpose of a HelpDesk software is to make the job of a support agent easier. However, not everyone makes the best use of all of software’s features. By following some of the best practices, the users can untangle its hidden potential and make better use of Vembu HelpDesk.

Create Groups smartly:(ADMIN)

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Group is a very basic and powerful part of CRM. Create groups and add support agents to the groups in such a way to make the best use of human resources available.

Map Support Emails effectively if you have multiple support email addresses:(ADMIN)

Map your support Emails to a product and Group which will assign tickets automatically to those groups and products rather than manually assigning tickets. For eg, support queries to the mail will be created as tickets assigned to the group xyz-support team and product-xyz.

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Make the most of Ticket Automation:(ADMIN)

  • Automation feature lets the admin to execute certain actions when tickets match certain conditions. This will save lot of time considering the fact that a significant amount of time is spent on executing the actions manually
  • Use Advanced Search for Better Search results
  • Although search does the job most of the time, advanced search helps to get better, faster and refined results
  • Use Canned Responses for quicker and smarter customer response

Quite often, agents will have to deal with similar questions. Instead of typing the reply repeatedly, agents can make use of predefined reply messages to common questions called as Canned Responses. Canned Responses can be used by the agents whenever needed, with just a single click.

To know more about Vembu HelpDesk, please click here.

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