Troubleshoot and Resolve: Invalid Login Credentials Error When Connecting to VMware Server - Step-by-Step Guide

Troubleshoot and Resolve: Invalid Login Credentials Error When Connecting to VMware Server - Step-by-Step Guide

KB ID: 56
"Error While Connecting To The VMware Server 'Server Name'. Invalid Login Credentials."
This error occurs when the provided username or password for the VMware Server is incorrect.
Follow these steps to resolve the issue:
1. Navigate to the page ‘Backup -> Add VMware Backup -> Add VMware Servers’ in the Vembu-VMBackup application.
2. Edit the credentials for the selected VMware Server.
3. Ensure the correct username and password are entered.
4. Save the changes.
Note: Make sure the login credentials are accurate, and if needed, refer to VMware documentation for the correct authentication details.