Steps to Enable SSL Certificate for BDRSuite Server

Unlocking Secure Connections: How to Enable SSL Certificates for BDRSuite Server

KB ID: 310003
Note: These instructions assume that you have already created your certificate and key files.
BDRSuite Backup Server - Windows
Step 1:
1. Navigate to the following location:
Location: `<BDRSuite_Installation_location>\apache\conf\ssl`
Example: `C:\Program Files\Vembu\VembuBDR\apache\conf\ssl`
2. Rename the existing files as follows:
  1. Existing Filename: `HttpSSL.crt`
  1. New Filename: `HttpSSL_old.crt`
  1. Existing Filename: `HttpSSL.key`
  1. New Filename: `HttpSSL_old.key`
Step 2:
1. Rename your SSL certificate files as follows:
'<filename>.crt` file as 'HttpSSL.crt’
`<filename>.key` file as 'HttpSSL.key'
2. Move the renamed certificate files to the following location:
Location: `<BDRSuite_Installation_location>\apache\conf\ssl`
Example: `C:\Program Files\Vembu\VembuBDR\apache\conf\ssl`
Step 3:
1. Copy the content from the file `<domaincertficatepath>/ca.crt`.
2. Paste the copied content into the file `cacert.pem` on the BDRSuite Server, located at:
Step 4:
1. Restart the BDRSuite Apache Web Server.
2. In the BDRSuite Server, press 'Win + R' to open the 'Run' window, then type 'services.msc' and click OK.
3. Restart the service “BDRSuite WebServer”
Step 5:
1. Finally, test your SSL connection. You can securely access the BDRSuite Server using the following URL:
`https://<Your Domain Name (or) Hostname (or) IPAddress>:6061`
   (6061 is the default HTTPS Port)
BDRSuite Backup Server - Linux
Step 1:
1. Navigate to the following location:
Location: `<BDRSuite_Installation_location>/sgchroot/apache/conf/ssl`
Example: `/home/vembubdr/Vembu/VembuBDR/sgchroot/apache/conf/ssl`
2. Rename the existing files as follows:
  1. Existing Filename: `HttpSSL.crt`
  1. New Filename: `HttpSSL_old.crt`
  1. Existing Filename: `HttpSSL.key`
  1. New Filename: `HttpSSL_old.crt`
Step 2:
1. Rename your SSL certificate files as follows:
`<filename>.crt` file as 'HttpSSL.crt’
`<filename>.key` file as 'HttpSSL.key'

2. Move the renamed certificate files to the following location:
Location: `<BDRSuite_Installation_location>/sgchroot/apache/conf/ssl`
Example: `/home/vembubdr/Vembu/VembuBDR/sgchroot/apache/conf/ssl`
Step 3:
1. Copy the content from the file `<domaincertficatepath>/ca.crt`.
2. Paste the copied content into the file `cacert.pem` on the BDRSuite Server, located at:
Location: `<BDR_Installation_Location>/sgchroot/php/cacert.pem`
Example: `/home/vembubdr/Vembu/VembuBDR/sgchroot/php/cacert.pem`
Step 4:
1. Go to the BDRSuite Installation location and restart the BDRSuite Apache Web Server using the following command:
`/usr/sbin/chroot sgchroot /apache/bin/httpd -k restart`
Step 5:
1. Finally, test your SSL connection. You can securely access the BDRSuite Server using the following URL:
`https://<Your Domain Name (or) Hostname (or) IPAddress>:6061`
(6061 is the default HTTPS Port)

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