Troubleshooting Network Path Connection Issues to Target Host

Troubleshooting Network Path Connection Issues to Target Host

KB ID: 117037
Encountering difficulties when trying to establish a network path connection to the target host with BDRSuite
This problem occurs when the BDRSuite Backup Server or BDRSuite Backup Client cannot access the admin$ share path on the target machine. This share path is typically required to copy the BDRSuite Installation Service installer to the target machine.
To resolve this issue, follow these steps:
Step 1: Confirm UNC (Universal Naming Convention) validation by manually verifying admin$ share access from the machine where either "BDRSuite Backup Server" or "BDRSuite Backup Client" is installed.
  1. Open the 'Run' dialog box and type the following: \\IP\admin$
  2. Replace 'IP' with the hostname or IP address of the target machine.
   Example: \\\admin$
   If there are no network connectivity issues, this confirms successful UNC validation.
  1. If you face network connectivity issues, follow these troubleshooting steps:
Case 1: Ensure that your firewall doesn't block remote connections. If it does, add the following rule to your target machine's Inbound firewall rules:
  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Navigate to System and Security > Windows Firewall > Advanced Setting.
  3. In Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, click "Inbound rules."
  4. Click "New Rule" and select the "Predefined" option.
  5. In the predefined dropdown, choose the "Remote Service Management" rule, enable it with the default options, and click "Finish."
Case 2: Ensure that the following services are running on your target machine:
  1. Server Service
  2. Windows Remote Management (WS-management)
Once both Case 1 and Case 2 have been verified, try UNC access again as mentioned in the earlier steps from your Server/Client machine to confirm successful UNC validation.
Case 3: Check for another MSI (Microsoft Installer) process running on the target host. If another MSI installation is in progress on the target machine, Windows will restrict simultaneous installations. Follow these steps:
  1. Open Task Manager on your target Windows machine.
  2. Click 'More details' at the bottom left corner of the Task Manager.
  3. Switch to the 'Details' tab.
  4. Look for 'msiexec.exe' under the "Name" column.
  5. If you find it, it indicates that another MSI installation is in progress. Wait for the MSI installation to complete before adding the host from the BDR Backup Server or Vembu BDR Client.
Case 4: Add target host details to the hosts file in the BDR Machine:
  1. Go to the file location "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\" on your BDR Machine.
  2. Open the hosts file and add the target machine's IP address and name as follows:
    1. TargetHostIP:
    2.  Machine_Name: WIN-1RTHP4TMV3B
By following these steps, you can troubleshoot and resolve network path connection issues when using BDRSuite