Troubleshooting: Service Running Without Required Privileges in BDRSuite

Troubleshooting: Service Running Without Required Privileges in BDRSuite Backup Server / BDRSuite Remote Proxy / BDRSuite Client

KB ID: 117000
The alert "The service is running in the logon account that does not have the required privileges" occurs when the BDRSuite Backup Server / BDRSuite Remote Proxy / BDRSuite Client does not have administrator privileges. This privilege is essential for the service logon to install BDRSuite Delegation Service (BDS) for Hyper-V backup and BDRSuite Backup Agent (BBA) for Disk Image and Files & Folders Backup on the target machine.
To resolve this issue, ensure that the BDRSuite Backup Server / BDRSuite Remote Proxy / BDRSuite Client is running with either of the following privileges:
1. Administrator
2. User having administrator privilege
Steps to add the Service logon on your BDRSuite Backup Server / BDRSuite Remote Proxy / BDRSuite Client:
Step 1: Go to 'Run' and type "Services.msc".
Step 2: On the Services page, locate the below services
  1. BDRSuite Backup Server for Virtual Physical Workloads"
  2. BDRSuite Remote Proxy Service and
  3. Other relevant service depending on BDS/BBA push.
Step 3: Right-click on the concerned service and select Properties, then navigate to the "Logon" tab.

Step 4: Provide your administrator credential details in the "This Account" section.
Step 5: Once user account details are updated, click "Apply" and then "OK".
Step 6: Restart the respective service for the changes to take effect.
Note: If you encounter any issues during service restart, please verify the user credentials provided during the logon update.