Update Vembu BDR-ID Successfully | Restart Service for Server Registration

BDR-ID is updated successfully. Restart the BDRSuite Service and try registering the server with BDRSuite Portal account

KB ID: 115126
When updating the BDRSuite Backup Server ID, the BDRSuite service is stopped. However, after successfully updating the ID, it's essential to restart the BDRSuite service before attempting to register the server with your BDRSuite Portal account. In most cases, the BDRSuite Server Tray will automatically restart the service within 30 seconds (found in the notification section of the Windows Desktop Taskbar). If this automatic restart does not occur, manual intervention is required.
Steps to Manually Restart the BDRSuite Service for Windows:
1. Click on the Start button (Windows button).
2. Open the Run dialog by pressing **Win + R** and type `services.msc`.
3. In the Services window, locate the **BDRSuite service**.
4. Right-click on the BDRSuite service, and from the context menu, select Restart to initiate the service restart.
Steps to Manually Restart the BDRSuite Service for Linux:
1. Open the Terminal with administrative privileges.
2. Navigate to the BDRSuite installation directory.
3. Execute the following command:
   vembubdr/Vembu/VembuBDR sh startVembuBDR.sh
This manual restart of the BDRSuite service ensures that the changes made during the BDR-ID update take effect, allowing you to proceed with registering the server with your BDRSuite Portal account.