KB ID : 115088
Products :
Published : Sept. 17, 2018
Created : Sept. 17, 2018
Last Modified : Sept. 17, 2018


Unable to process the data. Incorrect or invalid XML.


The above error occurs when configuring backups from the client side in the following scenarios:


When there is a mismatch of configuration files between the client and server side.


Delete / Rename the configuration file(.sbc) from the particular backup job storage repository and try to rerun the backup again. You can navigate to the .sbc file location as follows:

sgstorage/storage pool name/Backup configured repo/1/client id/backup name/conf/.sbc*

Example: E:\sgstorage\Testpool\Repo_1\1\Testclient1\TestBackup1\conf*.sbc


The reported issue occurs if there is a database hang in the backend on the BDR server side.


Restart the Vembu BDR services and the databases (Postgressql / Mongo / Mysql) and try to re-run the job.

Note:If the issue still persists, even after the restart please contact support(vembu-support@vembu.com)

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