Troubleshooting: AppawareVmwareGuestTool.exe Not Found in BDRSuite Installation

Troubleshooting: AppawareVmwareGuestTool.exe Not Found in BDRSuite Installation

KB ID: 115077
When working with BDRsuite, an issue may occur where the "AppawareVmwareGuestTool.exe" file is not located in the BDRSuite installation location (BDRSuite installation location \ Plugins). This error prevents the ApplicationAware process from functioning as expected.
The "AppawareVmwareGuestTool.exe is not found in BDRSuite installation location" error occurs when the required "AppawareVmwareGuestTool.exe" file is not present in the specified installation location of BDRSuite.
To address this issue, please follow these steps:
1. Contact Vembu Support:
If "AppawareVmwareGuestTool.exe" is not available in the installation location, it is advisable to reach out to BDRSuite support for guidance and assistance.
The BDRSuite support team will be able to provide you with a suitable workaround to address the absence of "AppawareVmwareGuestTool.exe" and ensure the proper functioning of the ApplicationAware feature in BDRSuite.