Optimizing Time-Based Retention: Addressing Fewer Displayed Restore Points

Optimizing Time-Based Retention: Addressing Fewer Displayed Restore Points

KB ID: 115044
In BDRSuite backup configurations, including retention values, are stored in configuration files on the BDRSuite Backup server. If these values are not updated correctly in the configuration file, the listing of restore points may not adhere to the set retention value.
This issue is sporadic and can be resolved by changing the values in the configuration file.
1. Locate the Backup Configuration file (sbc) in the Backup Storage Repository. Navigate through the path: BackupStorageLocation/Repo[number]/[ClientName]/[Backup_Name]/conf.
2. Under the `conf` folder, open the .sbc file using Notepad.
3. Make the following changes:
Under the "RetentionForVersionFiles" tag, change the attribute value for 'RetentionType' to -1.
4. Save the file.
Now, check the restore points for the backup to ensure that the correct retention values are applied.
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