Hyper-V Role Not Enabled Error: Enable Hyper-V Role for Instant-Bo

Hyper-V Role Not Enabled Error: Enable Hyper-V Role for Instant-Boot

KB ID: 115030
If you attempt to execute Instant Boot recovery for Hyper-V backups from the Vembu BDR Windows backup server without enabling the Hyper-V role, you will encounter the following error:
"Error: Hyper-V role not enabled in this server to do Instant-boot, please enable Hyper-V role and then try again."

To resolve this error, follow these steps to enable the Hyper-V Role on your Vembu BDR backup server machine:
1. For Windows Server 2008:
2. For Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2:
3. For Windows 10 (as Server):
After completing the Hyper-V Role installation, restart the server. You can then proceed with Instant Boot recovery once the server has been restarted.
For further assistance or additional inquiries, please contact our support team.
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