Resolving Backup Failures Caused by Duplicate VM UUIDs - Expert Solutions

Backup Failure Due to Duplicate VM UUIDs

KB ID: 105976
This error occurs when there are two or more virtual machines (VMs) with the same UUID on the source ESXi host. When you select an entire host for backup or individual VMs for backup, the backup process will skip all VMs with duplicate UUIDs.
Steps to Retrieve the List of VMs and their UUID from the Source Host:
1. Install the PowerCLI Command in Windows PowerShell (Run as Administrator):
   Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI 
 Note: Accept the repository warning and install
2. Run the command to set the ExecutionPolicy:
   Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
3. Run the command to set the InvalidCertificateAction:
    Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -Scope User -InvalidCertificateAction prompt
4. Connect to the ESXi hosts:
   Connect-VIServer -Server IP_ADDRESS -Protocol https -User USER -Password PASS
5. Run the command to get the list of Virtual Machines with their instance UUID:
   get-vm | get-view | select name,@{l="uuid";e={$_.config.instanceuuid}} | export-csv ~\desktop\VmInstanceUUID.csv
6. Open the VmInstanceUUID.csv file and identify VMs with duplicate UUIDs.
Steps to Change the Instance UUID of the VM:
1. Open the following URL: https://< vCenter hostname/ESXi hostname >/mob/
2. Log in as an administrator.
3. Search for "content" in the NAME column, and click the link in the VALUE column in the same row.
4. Search for "rootFolder" in the NAME column, and click the link in the VALUE column in the same row.
5. Search for "childEntity" in the NAME column. In the VALUE column in the same row, find the Datacenter where the VM resides and click on its link.
6. Search for "vmFolder" in the NAME column, and click the link in the VALUE column in the same row.
7. Search for "childEntity" in the NAME column. In the VALUE column in the same row, click "more..." to expand the VM list. Find and click on the VM you want to modify.
8. Search for "config" in the NAME column. In the VALUE column in the same row, click the link.
9. Search for "ReconfigVM_Task" in the Methods table, and click the link.
10. In the newly opened browser, remove all contents in the VALUE field and enter the following code, replacing the sample UUID with the desired new UUID:
11. Click the "Invoke Method" link to apply the new UUID.
12. To verify that the new UUID is applied, close the newly opened browser and return to the page where you performed step 8.
13. Search for "config" in the NAME column and click the link in the VALUE column in the same row.
14. Search for "instanceUuid" in the NAME column. The VM's UUID is displayed in the VALUE column in the same row.