Unable to create NFS Datastore

Unable to create NFS Datastore

KB ID: 105092
BDRSuite Backup Server/OffsiteDR Server encounters the "Error: Unable to create NFS Datastore" when attempting to create a temporary NFS datastore for Instant VM Boot Recovery in the target ESXi host. This error indicates a failure in creating the NFS datastore required for Instant Boot VM Recovery.
The common causes for this error include:
1. The absence of the Vembu Virtual Drive on the BDRSuite Backup Server or Offsite DR Server machine.
2. Improper unmounting of a previously attached temporary datastore on ESXi.
3. Existence of another datastore with the same name in the same namespace.
Cause 1:
If the Vembu Virtual Drive is not available on your Vembu BDR Backup Server or Offsite DR Server machine.
Ensure that the VembuBDR/VembuOffsiteDR service is running correctly on your BDRSuite Backup Server/Offsite DR Server machine. Restart the service and verify the availability of the Vembu Virtual Drive.
Note: Starting from v5.3, the service name for Vembu BDR is BDRSuite Backup Server Virtual Physical Workloads.*
Cause 2:
Previously attached temporary datastore or another datastore with the same name already exists.
Delete the temporary datastore created by Vembu on the ESXi host where you are attempting the Instant Boot VM. The datastore follows the format:
For v5.3 and above: BDRSuite Backup Server\<BDR Server ID>
Note: Delete the Quick Boot VM before removing the datastore from the ESXi.
How to delete previously created (or) clean orphan NFS Datastore:
Connect to the ESXi host using Putty (or) SSH and run the following commands:
1. To list all mounted NFS datastore on the host:
esxcli storage nfs list
2. Remove the existing created NFS Datastore from the cache with the prefix as ‘BDRSuite Backup Server’ in Datastore Name:
esxcli storage nfs remove -v "BDRSuite Backup Server_<BDR_ServerID>"
Ensure that the necessary ports (111, 1058, 2049) used by the NFS Service are not blocked by the firewall on the BDRSuite Server machine. Blocking these ports will prevent the creation of an NFS Datastore during Instant Boot recovery in the provided target ESXi Host.

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