Resolving VM Configuration File Fetching Error | Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting: Error Encountered While Fetching VM Configuration Files

KB ID: 105026
Users may encounter an error when attempting to retrieve virtual machine configuration files from the datastore, leading to a failure in the process.
The error typically arises during the attempt to fetch virtual machine configuration files from the datastore, resulting in a failure situation.
To address this issue and ensure successful configuration file retrieval, please adhere to the following conditions:
1. Check SSL Port Blocking: If the backup/replication is configured at the vCenter level, ensure that the SSL port 902, configured individually for ESXi host backups, is not obstructed by NAT or firewall settings. Blocking this port can result in connectivity issues.
2. Verify ESXi Credentials: When backup/replication jobs are configured through vCenter, validate that the ESXi host credentials added to the setup possess complete privileges to access the datastore. Inadequate privileges can hinder the process.
3. Enable ESXi Host SSL: Ensure that the ESXi host added under the vCenter server has an enabled SSL connection. If the SSL connection is disabled, follow the instructions provided in the link to enable SSL (
4. Confirm Datastore Access: When backup/replication jobs are configured directly from an ESXi host, verify that the credentials employed possess the necessary access permissions for the datastores present within the host.
Note: For detailed information regarding the required permissions for backup and restore procedures, refer to the BDRSuite documentation on permissions.
Addressing these considerations will help resolve the error encountered while fetching VM configuration files during the backup or replication process. If further assistance is required, feel free to reach out to our support team for expert guidance.