Resolving Backup Failure Caused by Altered Source Disk Order

Backup Failure Due to Altered Source Disk Order

KB ID: 103005
BDRSuite utilizes its proprietary image backup driver to track block-level changes in the disk designated for backup. When taking incremental backups, a "Backup failed as the source disk order is altered" error may occur if the BDRSuite proprietary driver cannot track block-level changes due to changes in the order of disks configured for the backup.
There are two possible reasons for this error:
  1. The order of disks in the target machine configured for backup is changed during an incremental backup.
  2. The external storage device(s) attached to the target machine during the backup configuration is disconnected or removed.
In both cases, it is necessary to restore the disk order to its original state. Follow the appropriate steps below to find the original disk order:
If the backup job is configured from the Vembu BDR Backup Server:
Step 1: Open the target machine and navigate to the Vembu Integration Service installation location. By default, it is installed on the OS drive (C-drive on most machines).
Step 2: Open the proxy.log file located at <installation location>\Program Files\Vembu\VembuIntegrationService\log\<backup server ID>\<backup job name>\proxy.log.
Step 3: Search for the lines "Configured Disk No :: X, Current Disk No :: Y."
            X: Disk number received during the initial full backup schedule.
            Y: Disk number received for the recent incremental schedule.
Step 4: Change the disk order of the target machine to its original state and rerun the backup job.
If the backup job is configured using BDRSuite Client:
Step 1: Open the target machine and navigate to the BDRSuite Client installation location. By default, it is installed on the OS drive (C-drive on most machines).
Step 2: Open the backup.log file located at <installation location>\Program Files\Vembu\VembuImageBackup\log\<backup job name>\backup.log.
Step 3: Search for the lines "Configured Disk No :: X, Current Disk No :: Y."
            X: Disk number received during the initial full backup schedule.
            Y: Disk number received for the recent incremental schedule.
Step 4: Change the disk order of the target machine to its original state and rerun the backup job.