The ESXCLI command is used to manage many aspects of an ESXi host. You can run ESXCLI commands as vCLI commands, in an SSH session or run them in the ESXi Shell in troubleshooting situations. Even though VMware keeps growing the PowerCLI cmdlet library, there are still quite a lot of things you can do using ESXCLI that you can’t do in PowerCLI. Thankfully the PowerCLI modules include the Get-EsxCLI cmdlet that allows you to run esxcli commands through PowerShell.

To use it you need to add a host as parameter and store the result in a variable. Don’t forget to add the -V2 switch. The -V2 switch was introduced in PowerCLI 6.3R1 and makes its usage a lot easier.

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Invoke() method

Before starting I need to introduce these 2 methods. This method is used to launch the esxcli command against the host. It is comparable to pressing enter in the ESXi shell on an esxcli command. It sometimes needs arguments when the command’s option requires mandatory parameters.

1. CreateArgs() method

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When an Invoke() method requires arguments (parameters), the CreateArgs() method is available on the object. When you create an ‘arguments variable’ using it, it will create a hash table with all the parameters you can pass to the command. Very handy when you are not familiar with it. then you need to use the Invoke() method with the arguments variable between the parenthesis like so $esxcli……Invoke($MyArgs).

How to use it

In the present example we will check if IPv6 is enabled on a host. The esxcli command to achieve this is the following:

esxcli system module parameters list -m tcpip4


Create the EsxCLI variable

You first need to run the Get-EsxCLI cmdlet with a host in the parameters and the V2 switch and store the output in a variable. If you look at the object type of the $esxcli variable, you will see that it has its own type EsxCliImpl.

$esxcli = Get-EsxCLI -VMhost ESX1 -V2

If you display the content of the variable you will see the same options you would get in the shell of a host.

PS> $esxcli

EsxCli: mg-p-esxcs31.mgmtdom.intra


You can browse through the properties of the object. Whenever you press enter on a property it will display a table of information.

Method Elements : Where you can go (property or esxcli option)

PS> $esxcli.system.module.parameters

EsxCliElement: parameters

Method Elements:

string Help()

Methods : What you can do including is, whether the Invoke() command requires parameters or not. In which case a parameters object must be created using the CreateArgs() method. Below you can see that the invoke method of the list element does require and arguments hash table.

PS> $esxcli.system.module.parameters.list

EsxCliMethodElement: list

Hashtable CreateArgs()

[] Invoke(Hashtable args)
string Help()

2. Create the arguments variable

We replicated the esxcli command we mentioned earlier in the $esxcli variable. We also saw that the Invoke() method of the the list element requires parameters. This is what we create here in this $arguments variable.

$arguments = $esxcli.system.module.parameters.list.CreateArgs()

If you look at its content you will see all the properties you can set and the type it expects. This list element only takes the module parameter.

PS> $arguments

Name Value
—- —–
module Unset, ([string])

3. Configure the arguments variable

Now we need to set the module parameter according to the esxcli command (esxcli system module parameters list -m tcpip4).

$arguments.module = “tcpip4”

4. Invoke the command with arguments

It is time to start the command for real. All that is left to do is to run the invoke method with the argument variable as parameters and it will display the same as what esxcli would. Below we can see that ipv6 is disabled.

PS> $esxcli.system.module.parameters.list.Invoke($arguments)

Description Name Type Value
# of provisioned H/W iSCSI ports ipportIscsiReserved int
Enable/Disable IPv6 ipv6 int 0


This example was a simple one but it doesn’t get a lot more complicated than that. You may have to specify more parameters but that’s about it. You can find everything you need about the esxcli commands in the vSphere Command-Line Interface Reference.

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